Sunday, August 23, 2015

Lesson No. 5.1 In the Pathway To Personal Power


Secret Instruction in the Interpretation of the Ancient Wisdom of the Great Work of the The Academy of Philosophical Operational and Future Science Inc.,
In this lesson, number five, we present for your earnest and thoughtful study, proven and time-treated meth¬ods of attaining that attractive personality which will change you whole long life from endless possibilities of failure to the success you most desire...
Let us pause here for a few moments and glance backward along the path-way which we have traveled together and review just a, few of the truths hidden from the World which we have learned in Lessons Three and Four.
In Lesson Three (The Miracle Lesson) we gave you the very advanced teaching that Universal Mind is the SOUL OF GOD Further, we showed you how the Universal God-Mind in you connects you with the mar¬velous Creative Power~ in your own life and we revealed to you the nature of that Unseen Divine Force which is the ever-present Healing Power of the ages.
In Lesson Four (the Imaging-Power Lesson) we explained to you the three-fold’ secret of IMAGING, CRE¬ATING,” and BEING by the use of which you can create or attract to you all, the material Abundance which you really desire.
So. step by step, we have led you from one truth to another logically, and each of these four previous les¬sons has helped, to prepare you for this still deeper lesson, number Five.
In the beginning your study of this most important Lesson, just as with all of your Lessons with us, we want to impress upon you once again that all you will absorb these, Dynamic Lessons best when both your mind and your body are entirely at ease. Relax, and again relax, and thus you will enter your periods of study in a receptive frame of mind.
And from the paragraph following the above in Lesson One, entitled, “The Shadow of The Unseen,” these words:
“All material things are but the shadows of the unseen. The garments which clothe that form in your mir¬ror are the garments which you thought into your possession—you selected those garments.”
Modern character analysts assure us that our face reveals our character. They inform us that everything about us tells the world what we are.
Of course you desire a successful magnetic and active personality. This requires understanding on your por¬tion, so your study must begin with your-self. For purposes of comparison and to analyze the elements of their success, make a careful study of those persons around you who prove in their daily lives that they possess the secret of successful personality.

Right here we do most sincerely that you can develop and you can cultivate a magnetic and suc¬cessful personality. Of course, like every other worth-while accomplishment in life, you must first learn how. That is exactly what this lesson teaches; the How of Attractive Personality.
The first practical step, then, is to once more closely observe yourself in that full-length mirror, this time with a determined purpose of judging, fairly and impartially, just what the impression is that you make upon others at the present time.

Don’t let yourself become confused by the great number of little things or details, which seem to make up an Ideal or an Attractive Personality. -After all, when we analyze the Ideal Personality for which you long, we find that the primary or most important factors of that attractive personality are really comparatively few. Once these few really important factors are acquired, those other seemingly numerous details become yours also. “Divide and conquer” shall be our motto here, so let us divide this problem of magnetic personality into its few really important parts and work them out one part at a time.
Personality has been defined as “soul and mind plus outward appearance.” This greatly simplifies our prob¬lem. Now we realize that “soul and mind” can really only manifest to the world about us here through our “outward appearance.” While we cannot always control our soul or our mind we can always choose to a large extent what our outward appearance shall be.
Personality, then, being the impression you make upon others, is most
There is no “mystery” of life, in reality. This word “mystery” is only used to hide Man’s lack of understand¬ing. For instance, let us imagine that here’s a complicated airplane in Now we who do not understand this engine, content ourselves by saying that this engine is a mystery to us. But to one who has learned all about airplane engines and who knows all about this particular engine, there is no mysterious part.
If you never realized until now that this word “mystery” is. only a screen to hide people’s lack of knowledge, perhaps you, too, have been misled have stood in your own light.
To attribute mystery to anything indicates weakness. Knowledge is Power and so that you may be strong, and so that the lamp of sure wisdom may be filled and burning brightly in your life, we place within your hands this price-less instruction.
Perhaps you have been confused-by the many and often very confusing ways in which this word Personality is used by different people you have met and by the puzzling and often -senseless ways in which this word is used in print. So, a great amount of mystery has attached itself to this word personality, and of course, “mys¬tery” is only another word for lack of understanding.
First, then, let us find out exactly what the word PERSONALITY means. Let us turn to Webster. Webster defines personality as that which distinguishes a person, or the sum total of one’s characteristics, or a compos¬ite of emotional tendencies, behavior inclinations and the like.” So much for Mr. Webster.

Personality is the impression which you make upon other people.
Your personality, then, determines what other people think about you. Their opinion of you is formed by the impression.which your personality makes upon them.
Strictly speaking, humanity presents only two great classes of personality. Let me tell you a little ‘story, just to illustrate these two great divisions of personality.
This happened one day in the dining room of a large hotel. Two women were lingering at their table for a friendly chat.
My attention was suddenly attracted by this remark from one of these two women, “Look l Here comes Mrs. Smith... isn’t she attractive? My but she is a lucky woman. She just seems to get everything she wants without half trying.
Naturally, I turned to look at the woman with the “personality.” She was just coming into -the room with a group of admiring friends.
Her personality really seemed to fill the room with her presence. Even the waiters were unusually attentive to her. Yet she was not a beautiful woman, and her clothes were neither striking nor costly. But the effect of her personality seemed to set her apart from every other woman in the room. Although I never saw her again, I never forgot this woman, because there was a memory of happiness at having beheld such a radiant personality.
George Eliot must have been thinking of some such magnetic personality when she wrote, “It is always good to know if only in passing, charming human beings. It refreshes one like flowers and woods and clear brooks.”
The world avoids negative personalities. When I looked more closely at the woman whose remarks I”had overheard’, I saw than hers was that opposite, drab, negative personality which everyone avoids instinctively. She belonged to that great mass of people who were doomed to live. unnoticed and frustrated lives, unless they find themselves. Unnoticed and frustrated because of negative and colorless personality.
This little incident illustrates these two great classes of personality into which all men and women are divid¬ed; those who are colorful, interesting and attractive and those who are drab, dull and easily forgotten.
But, you may ask, can anyone possess this attractive personality, or is it a gift presented to a chosen few at birth by a kind Providence.
No Good Friend an attractive personality is not some peculiar gift at birth and it is not limited to the few. Here and now, in this lesson, we shall help you to develop a winning charming, magnetic personality .
Now, let us turn to Lesson One and carefully review two paragraphs; first, the paragraph headed 10A Full Length Mirror Pictures Your Thinking, “ from which we quote:
“Here is our first exercise perhaps a startling object lesson. Just pause in your study and go stand before a full length mirror, if possible. If you have no full length mirror in your home, locate one and follow the exer¬cise then. Now, with seeing eyes study the picture that is reflected back to you from that mirror.
Does your mirror reflect the sunshine of Success or the shadows of failure, Happiness or gloom, Health or-sickness? Remember, you are looking at the product of your own thinking up-to-date. Your body first existed as a thought.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Lesson No. 5 in The Pathway to Personal Power

Secret Instruction in the Interpretation of the Ancient Wisdom of the Great Work of the The Academy of Philosophical Operational and Future Science Inc.,
In this lesson, number five, we present for your earnest and thoughtful study, proven and time-treated meth­ods of attaining that attractive personality which will change you whole long life from endless possibilities of failure to the success you most desire...
Let us pause here for a few moments and glance backward along the path-way which we have traveled together and review just a, few of the truths hidden from the World which we have learned in Lessons Three and Four.
In Lesson Three (The Miracle Lesson) we gave you the very advanced teaching that Universal Mind is the SOUL OF GOD Further, we showed you how the Universal God-Mind in you connects you with the mar­velous Creative Power~ in your own life and we revealed to you the nature of that Unseen Divine Force which is the ever-present Healing Power of the ages.
In Lesson Four (the Imaging-Power Lesson) we explained to you the three-fold’ secret of IMAGING, CRE­ATING,” and BEING by the use of which you can create or attract to you all, the material Abundance which you really desire.
So. step by step, we have led you from one truth to another logically, and each of these four previous les­sons has helped, to prepare you for this still deeper lesson, number Five.
In the beginning your study of this most important Lesson, just as with all of your Lessons with us, we want to impress upon you once again that all you will absorb these, Dynamic Lessons best when both your mind and your body are entirely at ease. Relax, and again relax, and thus you will enter your periods of study in a receptive frame of mind.
And from the paragraph following the above in Lesson One, entitled, “The Shadow of The Unseen,” these words:
“All material things are but the shadows of the unseen. The garments which clothe that form in your mir­ror are the garments which you thought into your possession—you selected those garments.”
Modern character analysts assure us that our face reveals our character. They inform us that everything about us tells the world what we are.
Of course you desire a successful magnetic and active personality. This requires understanding on your por­tion, so your study must begin with your-self. For purposes of comparison and to analyze the elements of their success, make a careful study of those persons around you who prove in their daily lives that they possess the secret of successful personality.

Text Box: -46-Right here we do most sincerely that you can develop and you can cultivate a magnetic and suc­cessful personality. Of course, like every other worth-while accomplishment in life, you must first learn how. That is exactly what this lesson teaches; the How of Attractive Personality.
The first practical step, then, is to once more closely observe yourself in that full-length mirror, this time with a determined purpose of judging, fairly and impartially, just what the impression is that you make upon others at the present time.
Don’t let yourself become confused by the great number of little things or details, which seem to make up an Ideal or an Attractive Personality. -After all, when we analyze the Ideal Personality for which you long, we find that the primary or most important factors of that attractive personality are really comparatively few. Once these few really important factors are acquired, those other seemingly numerous details become yours also. “Divide and conquer” shall be our motto here, so let us divide this problem of magnetic personality into its few really important parts and work them out one part at a time.
Personality has been defined as “soul and mind plus outward appearance.” This greatly simplifies our prob­lem. Now we realize that “soul and mind” can really only manifest to the world about us here through our “outward appearance.” While we cannot always control our soul or our mind we can always choose to a large extent what our outward appearance shall be.
Personality, then, being the impression you make upon others, is most
There is no “mystery” of life, in reality. This word “mystery” is only used to hide Man’s lack of understand­ing. For instance, let us imagine that here’s a complicated airplane in Now we who do not understand this engine, content ourselves by saying that this engine is a mystery to us. But to one who has learned all about airplane engines and who knows all about this particular engine, there is no mysterious part.
If you never realized until now that this word “mystery” is. only a screen to hide people’s lack of knowledge, perhaps you, too, have been misled have stood in your own light.
To attribute mystery to anything indicates weakness. Knowledge is Power and so that you may be strong, and so that the lamp of sure wisdom may be filled and burning brightly in your life, we place within your hands this price-less instruction.
Perhaps you have been confused-by the many and often very confusing ways in which this word Personality is used by different people you have met and by the puzzling and often -senseless ways in which this word is used in print. So, a great amount of mystery has attached itself to this word personality, and of course, “mys­tery” is only another word for lack of understanding.
First, then, let us find out exactly what the word PERSONALITY means. Let us turn to Webster. Webster defines personality as that which distinguishes a person, or the sum total of one’s characteristics, or a compos­ite of emotional tendencies, behavior inclinations and the like.” So much for Mr. Webster.

Personality is the impression which you make upon other people.
Your personality, then, determines what other people think about you. Their opinion of you is formed by the impression.which your personality makes upon them.
Strictly speaking, humanity presents only two great classes of personality. Let me tell you a little ‘story, just to illustrate these two great divisions of personality.
This happened one day in the dining room of a large hotel. Two women were lingering at their table for a friendly chat.
My attention was suddenly attracted by this remark from one of these two women, “Look l Here comes Mrs. Smith... isn’t she attractive? My but she is a lucky woman. She just seems to get everything she wants without half trying.
Naturally, I turned to look at the woman with the “personality.” She was just coming into -the room with a group of admiring friends.
Her personality really seemed to fill the room with her presence. Even the waiters were unusually attentive to her. Yet she was not a beautiful woman, and her clothes were neither striking nor costly. But the effect of her personality seemed to set her apart from every other woman in the room. Although I never saw her again, I never forgot this woman, because there was a memory of happiness at having beheld such a radiant personality.
George Eliot must have been thinking of some such magnetic personality when she wrote, “It is always good to know if only in passing, charming human beings. It refreshes one like flowers and woods and clear brooks.”
The world avoids negative personalities. When I looked more closely at the woman whose remarks I”had overheard’, I saw than hers was that opposite, drab, negative personality which everyone avoids instinctively. She belonged to that great mass of people who were doomed to live. unnoticed and frustrated lives, unless they find themselves. Unnoticed and frustrated because of negative and colorless personality.
This little incident illustrates these two great classes of personality into which all men and women are divid­ed; those who are colorful, interesting and attractive and those who are drab, dull and easily forgotten.
But, you may ask, can anyone possess this attractive personality, or is it a gift presented to a chosen few at birth by a kind Providence.
No Good Friend an attractive personality is not some peculiar gift at birth and it is not limited to the few. Here and now, in this lesson, we shall help you to develop a winning charming, magnetic personality .
Now, let us turn to Lesson One and carefully review two paragraphs; first, the paragraph headed 10A Full Length Mirror Pictures Your Thinking, “ from which we quote:
“Here is our first exercise perhaps a startling object lesson. Just pause in your study and go stand before a full length mirror, if possible. If you have no full length mirror in your home, locate one and follow the exer­cise then. Now, with seeing eyes study the picture that is reflected back to you from that mirror.
Does your mirror reflect the sunshine of Success or the shadows of failure, Happiness or gloom, Health or-sickness? Remember, you are looking at the product of your own thinking up-to-date. Your body first existed as a thought.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Lesson 4.3 In The Pathway to Personal Power

‘The important thing about any work is beginning. it. Whatever you. accomplish, whether it is much or lit­tle, can be credited to the strength of the DE-SIRE, THE DETERMINATION behind the mental picture of your mind-imaging.-This determination; ‘your WILL-power, has been called “the soul itself exercising self-direction.
Speaking: of General Grant, Lincoln once said, “The greatest thing about him is his cool persistency of pur­pose. He has the grip of a bulldog.. When he once gets his teeth in, nothing can. shake him off.”
Let us remind you that neither General Grant nor the bulldog has a corner on this grim tenacity of purpose. You have the same quality. Every normal . man and. woman has. This quality is the Power of your. WILL: Within you, this bulldog determination awaits only the .opportunity to be aroused to acts of courage, to Success and Happiness. But first, you must have willingness for this Power to manifest itself.
You have proved that you have this willingness to show bulldog stick-to-itive-ness when you became a mem­ber of the The Academy of Philosophical Operational and Future Science Inc., and here in this course, and in each lesson, is the opportunity for you to rove that you, have that mystic quality of tenacity of purpose to prove that you can follow each and every direction herein to the letter, and by keeping everlasting at it until you have achieved that success which is your heart’s desire. And you will achieve that success just as certainly as you understand and follow these teachings implicitly.
Be very careful that. you never try to deceive yourself, even if it seems to be in the interests of a good cause, And be absolutely honest with yourself . in each step of the Inner Work which we give you in these Lessons in affirmations and more, and!” I tell you why You see, I often “kid” myself saying, ‘I am a success now’ when I really know that I’m an entire failure.”
Of course no affirmation can work as long as you use your mind to image that you are “kidding yourself.” How could it? Just as long as that man holds the mental image that he is “kidding himself ” just that long is he trying to deceive himself—and that cannot be done successfully.
But when you use your mental imaging from the plane of ETERNAL SPIRITUAL LAW and idealize your affirmation, “I am a success now,” and use that as the model which you are reproducing in life, you will soon become conscious that you are materializing your success.
The human body is like an Aeolian Harp, a structure that is being constantly played upon by the winds of vibration, whether consciously or unconsciously, whether awake or -asleep. Think of it—that body of yours contains more than five thousand miles of nerve-wires, stretched tightly, which act as antenna to receive the vibrations which contact them, in both long and short waves.
Science has decided that all THOUGHTS really come from The Cosmic Mind, radiations of ETERNAL SPIRITUAL LAW, GOD, and enter into the two great nerve centers of human beings through the antenna of the nervous system.
We must leave this fascinating study just here, but we will return to it in a later lesson. Just now our purpose

is to tell you that through our correct methods of Mental Imaging, you are in reality tuning in your antenna to receive the Power and the Message of the Ever-lasting God. You will not fail.
ETERNAL SPIRITUAL LAW manifests in tremendous Energy. If we could tell you the secret of Energy, we ‘could answer the riddle of the ages. Every second this Cosmic Energy is active everywhere throughout the Universe. Our mortal-minds cannot comprehend such Power, but we can attune these minds of ours to receive just as much of this Power as we can use, through desire directed-affirmations.
Remember, in your concentration period for the next week, at the close of your period, repeat the following four Master Affirmations at least TEN TIMES. (Memorize them first.)
The unseen Power of the Infinite surrounds you like an ocean, and by your affirmations you are drawing in that Power of Infinite Supply into the very depths of your Being.
We sincerely believe that there is nothing in the world of hidden or occult knowledge like your next lesson, which is entitled “Attaining Attractive Personality.” This next Lesson, Number Five, will demonstrate in you Powers of which you may have dreamed, but which you never quite believed possible to you.
Lesson Five reveals to you still more of the Ancient Wisdom of the Ages and places in your lands the KEY to Success and to Power forbidden to all but the Initiates of the olden times. This principle, this priceless knowledge is possessed by but few men living today, and is treasured and kept in sacred trust for the members and the students of the American Bible.Institute.
But you need not take our word for this, amazing truth, because you are going to prove it in.your own trans-formed life. Results speak louder than words and Results you shall have.
We should like you, to follow our particular Method of approach in studying , these lessons. This is NOT the usual method of study at all, but is a method whereby you absorb each lesson so that it becomes unfor­gettable.
First, relax,’ and cultivate a; calm, receptive, expectant frame of mind. We want you to “make haste” slowly and surely, External effort, hurry or strain immediately shuts off your Power to absorb—to receive..
Don’t “think hard” or “hurry,” or even “study,” just try using mental Pictures. After slowly reading the para­graphs under a subheading, just close your eyes and thoughtfully recall the statements under that heading. You will soon find that you have acquired a concentrated mental habit which enables you to read with, normal rapidity and to remember all that you read.