Monday, July 27, 2015

Lesson 4.2 in The Pathway To Personal Power

Remember, by correct imaging you can create what you want. Be careful what you _want=.—sooner= or later,—and-usually sooner, you’ll get it.
Sad to say, we live in a world peopled by failures. All around us are lives of frustration that seem hopeless. Beware of imaging these failures. Remember, the old rule in this country is “three generations from shirt-sleeves to shirt-sleeves” and the torrent of the political power of the “under-privileged” is sweeping us into even a shorter cycle from poverty to poverty.
During the past generation millions of people stood on the feet of some-one else - And they learned to like it. Relief, living on Dad, government pay-rolls or little routine jobs have been the ‘bane of that generation.
But as for you, avoid as you would a pestilence, all people who have stopped looking ahead. Never help them look back and sigh for the “good ole days.” Such people are only cheating the undertaker by staying alive from the neck down. They fear the future this sorry multitude.
In every European country the dumb, the lazy and the hopeless have made a sorry mess, and their failure to properly run their own little worlds have invited the strong, the shrewd and the ruthless to rule. Each of these countries has opened its mental doors to failure.
Remember, Paul warns us that “to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are.” Just as with nations, if you do not CHOOSE YOUR OWN OPEN ROAD some shrewd and cruel dictator will force you to travel his road—and you will find it a rough road and the going hard.
Again and again we tell you—and we cannot repeat this truth too often the conditions which make up your life today are the direct results of your own imaging which has created those conditions. If your life is happy and successful, then it is so because you have purposely IMAGED Happiness and Success. You are the prod­uct of the DESIRE which controls your imaging.
You are, then, your own master, whether for good or ill, for upon your own self depends the choice of the controlling DESIRE which through Your own imaging moulds for you a life of Health, Happiness and Success or an existence of sickness, misery and failure.
Perhaps you have looked with envy upon some seemingly more fortunate neighbor.- Perhaps he-has-wealth, comfort; -luxury,- lands, property, AND MONEY is plenty. Don’t envy him—avoid envy as you would a pest—Just follow the same unchanging LAW that your neighbor has, either consciously——or unconsciously followed. The ETERNAL LAW OF ABUNDANCE will work just as well for you as it did for him.
The riches of your neighbor were born of the creative power, that surged through his mind and then his activities to materialize his DESIRE-IMAGED wealth.’ This Creative Power, directed by his mind, built your neighbor’s present condition of Health, Happiness and Success until HIS MENTAL PICTURE—his constant imaging of the cherished desire became actual in his life and his environment. Your cherished desire - your idea-picture—becomes the controlling master of your life through IMAGING. Remember, though a toad masquerades as a bird, he is still a toad at heart. For at heart the toad has no cherished desire for wings and he prefers silence to the, beautiful song of the bird.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Lesson 3.1 in The Pathway to Personal Power

TENT, with-out Color, Eye or Ear, ETERNALLY MANIFEST IN ALL VISIBLE CREATION, and the Cause of all created things and beings.’
Many, many centuries later, you will remember that Paul said “... but the things not seen are ETERNAL.”
Thus, in.the creative beginning of earthly time, God, Infinite Mind, chose g to divide Himself (or itself) into countless millions of living human units, and as a result each of us (human beings) exists as.a separate individual. Each separate individual endowment is not only with a human or earthly mind, but with an individual endowment of Universal God-Mind by which and through which you can reach attunement with the Infinite by harmonizing your thought vibrations with God-Vibrations by ever expanding your thought-concept of God as the INFLOW­ING ENERGY, POWER, LOVE, BEAUTY AND MATERIALIZING HEART’S DESIRE OF YOUR LIFE.
Now please go back to the beginning o f the above paragraph and slowly read and study it over and over and over, until this universal and irrevocable LAW shines clearly on the tablets of your mind.
Just in proportion as you EXPAND your, conception of God, in that same proportion your RELATION TO GOD EXPANDS and your harmony with Infinite Mind is perfected day by day.
Here is an-electric-light globe. It-shines-with a-white light. But suppose I paint the globe an opaque black.? If it is night and I have no other light in the room, darkness results. But the light does not cease. Within the light globes the light shines just as it did before. But the light can no longer. express itself as light to your eyes. To an ignorant mind it seems that no light is present, but the light is still there.
Now I scratch a small circle of the black paint from the light globe. Just that much light then shines through. As I keep on scraping paint from the globe the volume of light grows. The light represents your mental con­cept of God.
God is always and forever Good, but to you God expresses, NOT as the Infinite—you could not receive such an expression and livebut God ex-presses exactly in accordance with that conception which Your Own Thinking applies to God. “Neither do men light-a candle, AND PUT IN UNDER A BUSHEL, but on, a can­dlestick, and it giveth light unto, all that are in the house. (Matt. 5: 15)
Step by step in these Lessons, we are leading you along the Pathway to the discovery o-a tremendous Force within yourself.’ ‘Also, we shall instruct you in simple words in this Lesson exactly how you can command and direct this hidden Force to materialize your One Great Desire, HERE AND, NOW.
To God nothing exists outside of GOOD, Love “THINKETH NO EVIL.” (I Cox. 13:5) GOD BEHOLDS ONLY GOOD IN YOU. What we call evil exists only in the darkness of human minds, and that darkness we liken to the black paint that obscured the light shining in the electric light globe.
Outside of earthly, human minds, THERE IS NO EVIL! “...that there is nothing unclean (evil) of itself; but to him that esteemeth (thinketh) anything to be unclean (evil) to him it is unclean.” (Romans 14:14)
Reverse your misconceptions. Say good-bye to your old ideas about God. In a previous Lesson we have shown you that human thought is vibration. For instance, when you look at material objects those mental

Text Box: -33-images are mirrored for your mental observations through the thought vibrations which rule your mind at that particular time.
Wear blue glasses and everything APPEARS BLUE TO YOU. Wear dark glasses and everything looks DARK AND GLOOMY to you. Wear rose colored glasses AND LIFE LOOKS ROSY TO YOU. You have seen those trick mirrors, some concave and some curved convexly? Before one of these mirrors a person is made to appear ridiculously short and wide, while the same person reflected from the other mirror SEEMS exceedingly tall and thin. Beware of distorted reflections of God.
God is eternal Principles, SPIRITUAL LAW EVERLASTING. God cannot change. God beholds only Good in You. YOU are an individual Soul IN THE BODY OF GOD. “FOR IN HIM WE LIVE, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, FOREVER ARE ALSO HIS OFFSPRING” (Acts 17:28)
One drop of water in the center of the sea contains all the salty qualities of the vast ocean. So each human Soul contains potentially the divine qualities of the Infinite.
Does your-conception of God, people this world of His creation with a sort of supreme Devil and an army of smaller imps who are busy day and night casting malign spells of sickness, poverty, fear, sin, misery and frustration upon, the-whole human race?
If so, perhaps after all, you can hardly be blamed for such misconceptions of God. Even in this supposed­ly “modern” world of TODAY entire “religious” organizations, denominations and churches blatantly teach the existence of these dark .spirits, devils and imps, cruelly torturing defenseless ‘humanity with un godly suf­fering, unholy plagues and final endless torment in a “Hell” of enduring horror! No wonder Bobby Burns exclaimed, “For the fear of Hell’s a whip to haul the wretch in order!”
The same fear has also proven enormously profitable to these “religious” parasites, keenly efficient in exact­ing a never-ceasing flow of shekels from the pockets of each shivering “wretch!”
To prove to yourself that “religious” fear and superstition are ‘nothing new under the sun,’ “read these words written by Plato nearly two thousand five hundred years ago—and you might think they were written yester­day, so little has the “religious” approach changed!
“And there are quacks and soothsayers who flock to: the rich man’s door and try to persuade him: that they have a power at command which they procure from heaven and which ably enables them by sacrifices and incan­tations performed amidst feasting and indulgences, to make amends for any crimes committed either by the individual himself or any of his ancestors; and should he desire to do, a mischief to anyone, it may be done at a trifling expense whether the object of his hostility is a just or an unjust man, for they profess that by certain invocations and spells they can prevail upon the gods to do his bidding.”—Plato’s “Republic” Book 2, page 47.
God exists FOR YOU as you conceive Him to be.
God vibrates as a certain type of thought (being) to one man: but to another man, He vibrates_ as an entirely different thought (being).