Friday, November 27, 2015

Lesson no.8.1 In the Pathway to Personal Power

Of course, its accomplishment of your Desire—these are governed by the WA.Y you broadcast from your Mental Radio Station.

The dynamic power of your thought coupled to emotion is your magic key to life. When you learn to mag¬nify courage instead o-f fear, how to direct your thought-vibrations, when you. truly, realize the power of The Silence., then you have the magic key that unlocks all doors.
We are teaching you concentration in The Silence—we have taught you how to create your mental pattern, your mind-picture of your Heart’s Desire, and as you practice these two things, you will find that you are acquiring thought vibrations that are almost irresistible as you direct them over your mental Radio.
Let us here unfold for you the Law of Thought. Images (mental vision)Then you will understand fully how to use that great law, of success, Mental Attraction.
Back of every thought image. is emotion. As we have told you before all things exist in constant vibration. Each emotion has its own different type of vibration. Love, Desire, Joy, Health, Happiness, or Hate, Defeat, Disease and Unhappiness, each exists as a different rate of mental. vibration.
Thus, love-vibrations, Desire-vibrations, joy-vibrations, health-vibrations, happiness-vibrations, etc., each of.these separate vibrations produces its corresponding thought image, (visions. and these thought images orig¬inate: in the inner brain centers and are projected, forth by the electric vibrations of thought-waves to form external images (visions) in your thinking mind.
Great inventors, Sir William Crookes, Marconi, Watts, Bell, Franklin, Edison and a host of others created thought images of their inventions first and afterwards produced them in material form from these mental visions..
In this way, mental vibration born of emotion directs man in his progress through the ages and exactly so will your thought images lead you in the path-way of unfoldment, of success, of health and of happiness when you learn through this secret wisdom which we are imparting to you lesson by lesson how to master and how to direct these subtle thought-vibrations to attract to yourself your Heart’s Desire in reality.
Previously we have instructed you to mentally picture yourself as a magnet.
Each emotional vibration in your mental world with its accompanying thought images (vision) is a powerful magnet attracting to itself from the outer world every material thing needed to build reality into that particu¬lar thought image of yours.
But no vibratory thought image (vision) exerts the slightest effect upon any material thing, condition or outer circumstances which is itself not vibrating in perfect unity with the vibrations of that thought image. In this case, like attracts like only.
Let’s use a very simple illustration of this psychic law. Imagine that we have in our hand one of those old-fashioned “horse shoe” magnets, strongly magnetized, such as used to delight school-boys of another gener¬ation. Perhaps we are in a carpenter shop. Here are piles of shavings, pieces of brass and copper and zinc and iron slivers and steel screws are scattered here and there in confusion.

We move our horse-shoe magnet here and there among the shavings—nothing happens. We push the pieces of brass, the pieces of copper and brass and zinc we stir here and the re with our magnet—nothing happens. Next we hold our magnet close to the scattered nails and the steel screws and there is instant response—each nail or screw of iron or steel leaps to cling to the magnet, when it reaches it field of receptivity, obeying the immutable law here that like vibrations attracts like vibrations!
Just as Universal Divine Mind, acting through the magnetic power of affinity is ceaselessly working to bring the pure Ray of Light that vibrates within you and within every man and woman in the world into perfect har¬mony with The Infinite Self.
Divine design, divine life and divine power vibrate all around us through-out the entire universe of manifest¬ed Being and now that you are beginning to be-come thoroughly awakened mentally and now that you begin to obey these higher laws you can feel this Divine Power flowing into your body and your mind and renewing every cell within you.
Truly, mental attraction-makes of you a powerful magnet!
Use this Divine Magnetism which is all around you this very moment—that’s what its for! Complete mas¬tery will be yours and your Heart’s Desire will rapidly materialize into reality when you consciously absorb, assimilate and USE this divine magnetism or vital power which pervades all the atmosphere which surrounds this earth! Use this Infinite God-Power!
First, then——Health. By consciously using this vital power, which is gust as near to you as the air you breathe, you will become able to recreate the tissues of your body and to so fortify yourself against disease that you will live in abounding health and that sickness will pass you by untouched.
Then, of a truth—“Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.”
Next, then, Happiness becomes yours to command. Now that you are living the higher life now that you— begin to consciously-attract this magnetic power of The Infinite, each day will bring you a new happiness as you realize your ideal—Your Heart’s Desire—in your material world.
Then the love and the gratitude which will fill your heart will, in turn, act as a magnet to draw new and worth-while friends”within your charmed circle—a circle charmed by the bonds of your new powers to command health, to draw happiness to yourself and to attract money and prosperity.
“By faith was the world formed b the word of God, that, FROM THINGS INVISIBLE, visible things might be made.” (Hebrews 11:3)
In each of these dynamic Lessons, in every occult exercise we give you, in each and every antrim, prayer and affirmation that we give to you—in all of these, step by step, we are helping you to develop that Mental Attraction—that One necessary sameness—that Attunement of vibration with this all-pervading Infinite Power of the Invisible that shall transform your vision, your Heart’s Desire, into VISIBLE REALITY here and now.!
While this God-Power which creates “from things invisible, visible things’’ is truly mystical, we:ar.e proving to you that this power of the invisible can and does operate for you in your own life without any of the mys

tifying mental gymnastic:s on your part which the ignorant mistakenly associate with it.
It is simply a matter of using your good common sense and following our easily understood methods exact¬ly—and then with perfect, child-like faith leaving the results entirely to your Infinite Source of Supply— Creative God-Power. That is all!
True, effective concentration surely is an intense form of prayer. In true concentration one “seeks and prays”. Concentration for material wealth (money, property, etc.). for physical health, or for material happiness will inevitably bring to you these exact, real and tangible results in your external world if your motive is to enable yourself to serve humanity better or to improve, even develop and evolve your own creative self, but beware any motive that is purely selfish of reason or for self elevation and vanity only. Such motives will sure¬ly defeat your Psychic powers of attraction.
The three great laws which govern successful concentration for physical health, for personal happiness or for financial ease and wealth are these:

Simple as they seem to you, we want to impress these great basic laws of concentration upon your attention. Now you can understand more fully the occult reasons—for your regular evening concentration periods and for the methods we have given you for observing these periods.
This definite period each night for your “inner contemplation”—if you have observed these periods faith¬fully—is already doubtless beginning to work wonders in your visible world.
What is the power that has created a million spheres and that keeps these spheres (worlds) endlessly whirling in space?
We declare to you that this Power is Universal Divine Mind, this is the psychic, invisible Power in all exis¬tence which can create matter in the thinking of the brain or the twinkling of the eye, out of the Invisible and then set that matter into ageless motion either as a world or as a pebble. This is the intelligent, creative Cosmic God-Mind which you draw unto yourself in each of your concentration periods. Also, this power is available at any hour and in any I place-wherever and whenever you follow these three simple but great Laws of Concentration.
If you are sick, there is abundant healing for you in the teachings of these lessons. Of a truth, you can be so well!. And now we impart to you in these lessons the tremendous secret of focusing this all-powerful mys¬tic light to heal your body just as the sublime sunshine dissolves the darkness of night!
In attracting to yourself perfect health from your Infinite Source of Health, never let your mind dwell on the afflicted condition of any part of your body. Vision that part of your body just as you want it to be. See your body glowing with health, life and color. As you visualize this, you will feel a general toning up in your entire bodily system. Try it! Do it!

Disease breeds in darkness, either of the mind or of the surroundings Light displaces darkness; Light destroys disease! Light disperses darkness—reality disperses unreality. Light is a high rate of vibration; disease, a very low rate.
Do this during your concentration periods. Picture God in the White Light of His Spirit focused upon the afflicted part of your body. With your eyes closed mentally vision and radiate this part of your body with this DIVINE LIGHT for your entire fifteen minute period, if you are afflicted. By conscious attraction, you cen¬ter this Divine Light upon your affliction. You can practice this three, possibly four times a day, until you have evidence of healing. The good results will—be surprisingly rapid. Just what you believe when you visualize it, the White Light of the Spirit does I This is the answer of The Supreme Light to your intense Faith. It works!
Be exact and be intensely earnest when you use this method, which is one of the rarest secrets of the Ancient Wisdom.
That is the title of lesson, number nine, a series of revealing truths that will astound you and which will show you that you are a cumulative being, and therefore you are capable of unlimited development, and that you are even now drawing to yourself unlimited abundance and unlimited happiness.
We teach you how your vital forces can be altered, modified or intensified beyond belief, according to the desires of your own active, reasoning will.
Here we must regretfully say Goodbye until your next lesson. Our abiding wish for you is that we shall be able to awaken within you a knowledge of your rightful heritage and that we. may help to endow you with those priceless possess-ions which fire cannot consume and which do not vanish away from time, Health, Happiness,_ and Financial Abundance.` All of_these are simply evolved from the changeless principles of Truth, the Creative God-Power which we are teaching you. Good-bye for now, Good Friend.


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