Friday, October 9, 2015

Lesson No. 7 in the Pathway to Personal Power


“In the interplay of the planetary influences we perceive the formative impulses of the CREATIVE MIND carrying on the work of creation. Since observation establishes the fact that the planets are continually radiat¬ing influences which effect all life we see the organs of THE CREATIVE MIND forming thought; thoughts which are the directive forces which carry on the work of creation. And because of these things we are forced to the conclusion that the creation bodies are the brain organs of THE CREATIVE MIND, and in their motions we perceive that Mind.thinking,”—(The Christian Esoteric)
Creative (God) Mind is your vast storehouse of Treasure I Thus begins one of your remarkable lessons, Number Seven, which brings to you in plain and simple language this unforgettable Truth. That when you pur¬posely and consciously realize that your Directed Desire-Thought is a great MAGNET with the power to draw from Creative Universal Mind unlimited material treasure and personal achievement and success beyond your fondest dreams, through these lessons, then you are Master of your Kingdom of Creative Power.
Following our custom, let us pause here for a few moments and glance very briefly at our last two lessons, five and six.
In that superb lesson Number Five on “Attractive Personality,” you will remember that you learned that your per¬sonality is the impression you make upon others and that, because of this, Personality and Success are partners.
In Lesson Six, “The Secret of The ages we learned about the law of mental attraction; ancient and modern mysteries were explained to you and you were also given the secret of the Lost Word.
Just how great is Creative (God) Mind and just how immense is your storehouse of treasure? Answering these questions, please read once more and very carefully the above quotation from the Christian Esoteric, with which this lesson begins. Please pay particular attention to the words of the last clause of that quotation: “... the heavenly bodies are the brain organs of THE CREATIVE MIND, and in their motions we perceive that Mind thinking.”
What a supreme—what a staggering truth! This concept is so sublime that in the presence of such blinding light upon the Pathway, narrow. minds slam shut their doors, pull down their windows shade and hide in their darkest closet!
But you are a searcher after truth Sublime truths are your heritage. But. so that we can know something of the vastness of CREATIVE GOD MIND let us—you and I—walk together amid the joyous beauty of a star¬ry night and, looking upward, SEE GOD THINKING!

With the naked eye, if we have ordinarily good eyesight, it is possible for us to see only about seven thou-sand stars—but the powerful telescope of today has enabled astronomers to discover and to chart the correct position of more than one hundred million of these starry thoughts of God.

The, star Arcturus has been traveling across just one corner of your infinite storehouse of treasure for more than two thousand years. Now, there is nothing really slow about Arcturus, for he travels through space at the AMAZING RATE OF OVER THREE HUNDRED MILES EVERY SECOND!
Now, Arcturus never rests, he does nothing but TRAVEL. Now, get this, in the year 130 B.C., Hipparchus made a star catalog and located Arcturus at that time. But so immense is the distance between this star and our earth that up to the very present day Arcturus has seemingly moved just a fraction over one degree. This would be only twice the diameter of the moon. This, of course, is a relative comparison.
This promise is directed straight to you, my fellow student, and this means you.Send you will find this prom¬ise fulfilled in abundance the very day that you consciously harmonize (tune in your vibrations with the high¬er and majestic vibrations of Eternal God-Mind.
Mastering your kingdom of Creative Power is simply something that depends As upon your learning the art of controlling and directing this power which, as we have—told—you-before,is -hidden from the-world, but hidden in plain sight.
Just as you might enter a strange room where there is an excellent electric chandelier controlled by a push-button on the wall. Now let us suppose that you know nothing about push-buttons being used to turn on and off electric lights— you would be Unable to control the contact with light through the button, because you have not learned how or where to look for it...nor even what to look for. If so, if it happened to be night, that room would remain in darkness FOR YOU. ONLY ONE POWER IN THE UNIVERSE
“THE LORD IS ONE” proclaims Moses, the Initiate, in Deut. 6:4. Today modern scientists agree that their investigations prove the oneness of all power in the universe: Our chemical and physical laboratories now claim that all forms of matter are in reality only different forms of a single power.
WHAT is this tremendous Power? That one power is Eternal Creative Mind—Eternal Law—God!
No matter what your position in life has been, no matter what your age may be, no matter what sickness has been yours, no matter whether you are wealthy or whether you have known poverty, just. as surely as you fol¬low these trans-.forming dynamic Spiritual Laws, you are an expanding soul. Just as with your material radio, - where there is one control knob by which you can almost instantly TUNE IN to any broadcasting- station, so with your MIND-RADIO there is ONE tuning-in control by which you can almost as instantly contact and “tune-in” this tremendous power of the Eternal-God-Law—and that “tuning-in” control is CONSCIOUS¬NESS—AWARENESS—mental acceptance.

So, my friend, when you realize this staggering Truth you will turn right about-face mentally and walk with us, your brother and sister students, straight into the path of light. No longer will you stumble uncertainly here and there because the way is dark, but you will walk with confidence in the bright light of noon-day, with wide-open eyes, with head erect and shoulders square.

Let us for a few minutes explore mentally something of the immensity, something of the vastness and something of the grandeur of our universal store-house of treasure—a treasure that is ours to draw upon at will.
First, do you remember the fairy story of “The Seven League Boots?” Now, as a league is three miles, the man with the seven-league boots was supposedly taking twenty-one mile steps.’ Measured by geographical stan¬dards, those were quite some steps. But, as we are going to take an imaginary trip amidst the vast expenses of that storehouse which is the universe, we shall need, not seven league boots BUT MILLION LEAGUE BOOTS. Later, you may be amazed to find that even such apparently, stupendous steps are but as the tiny steps of a toddling infant in the God - Realm which we are entering mentally.
Here we are traveling, let us imagine that we at this time are moving with the speed of light, traveling thru realms where the human mind cannot grasp either the magnitude or the `majesty of the stars which are the materialized thoughts of the Eternal, the Great One God-Mind.
Everything in this cosmic realm amid which we are now traveling is regulated by the ceaseless tick of the cosmic clock. Astronomers call this clock the Law of Interdependent Cycles. Nothing is left to chance.
In this realm universal, man measures distance by a standard which he calls a “LIGHT YEAR.” In reckon¬ing star distance, then a light year is the primary space, or distance, traveled by a beam of light IN ONE YEAR, moving at the speed of 186,270 MILES PER SECOND.
According to this standard of astronomic measurement the Moon is about one and one-fourth seconds from the Earth and the Sun only five or six minutes away. Now astronomers observe distances of individual stars accurately more than 100, 000 light years away.
Astronomers tell us that the main power station of our universe they have located in a region only about one million five hundred thousand light years way from us on Earth.
Supposedly then, lets you and I, take a little imaginary stroll over to this main power station of ours. When we have reached this power station of ours, the astronomers tell us, we would find a constant and terrific cur-rent of Power, both creative and destructive, radiating from that center in a blinding stream, to every sun, every star and planet in the universe. They explain that friction generated by the creating of new worlds and by the destruction of those worlds which have reached the end of one existence, maintains, this irresistible life and death stream of Power. And we should see God’s thinking made manifest.

However, ages and ages ago the magnificence of this ineffable cosmic pageant and the existence of The One Power, The Single Energy, THE CREATIVE GOD MIND was revealed in the Ancient Wisdom.
Read carefully these words, quaint though they may seem, coming to us from “The Emerald Table of Hermes, “ a rare and most ancient text. “As all things are from one, by the mediation of one, so all things arose from this one I, by adaptation. This is the father of all perfection, or consummation of the whole world. This is the strong fortitu de (power) of all fortitudes (powers), overcoming every subtlety and penetrating every solid thing.”
As we continue our imaginary journey in the tremendous space which is the home of the stars, let us remember that man, from his comparatively tiny earth, has studied the stars and he has gained knowledge from them since the beginning of time. ALL human religions were founded upon and built around the mys¬teries of the heavens; These mysteries we see in symbols in the worship of ancient Babylon, ‘Assyria, Chaldea and Egypt.
But we are on our way, remember, to the central station of the universe, and now we will vision our journey as taking us through that immense and nebulous cloud which winds like a twisted veil of shadow amid the constellations of the Milky Way. The center of this cloud is a mass of black darkness estimated as; measur¬ing more than one hundred thousand cubic light-years. No human mind can comprehend such vastness as this in space.
This huge central cloud of blackness is nothing more or less than the grave-yard of the stars that have been. The, impenetrable darkness here is dense with star dust. This dense and dead stardust is the material from which Creative God-Mind -the Supreme sculptor—creates and shapes perhaps a thousand NEW Milky Ways, ten thousand NEW worlds, or a million NEW stars.
As we travel onward, we find that this nebulous darkness surrounds and penetrates the entire universe, infi¬nite in extent yet eternally obeying The Law of Re-Creation. We find centers of black darkness in our travels across part of the. universe, as well as centers of light. Mentally visiting them, astronomers point out to us more than a thousand centers where this black darkness-is loaded heavily enough with star dust and ‘with parts and great fragments of worlds that have been to supply the building material for NEW WORLDS, NEW stars and NEW solar systems. Some of this building material whirls toward our earth every eleven years in the form of a stream of meteors.

Each of these immense centers of black darkness is truly the mystical land of beginning again. For this is where worlds are born and suns are thought into being. When new stars are born, astronomers on our earth can see the radiant glow of the new creation.

We see that Supreme Eternal Law is two-fold in its Power. That its Power is both positive—and negative, that this Power is both creative and destructive, eternally creating new, worlds from the worlds of a mil lion years ago. God’s cosmic clock marks the hours in this forever-never land—the hours of birth, of rebirth, of transformation and of re-incarnation.
In our magnificent mental journey across one corner, as it were, of the universe, we learn with amazement how worlds are born, how stars are re-created and how suns are reincarnated. We perceive that when worlds, huge galaxies of stars or suns, traveling as they do with unthinkable speed, pass into one of these dense, dust-laden centers of black darkness, their terrific friction generates flaming whirlpools of electrified energy which astronomers call SPIRAL NEBULAE.
In these Spiral Nebulae again we SEE the materialized thinking of God. For in these Nebulae Etern al Law combines POWER, SPIRIT, and MATERIAL FORM to create new life, new worlds and whole new solar sys¬tems from the thick dust of the things that were.
In that sky-realm which astronomers ca ll Pegasus they have located one hundred sixty-two Nebulae which they tell us—range from one hundred to one thousand light years from our earth, and each of these Nebulae is a constellation blazing with the birth-flames of creation.
As we started on our imaginary journey, consulting the “road maps” given us by our friends, the astronomers, we found that somewhat closer to us by earth we could visit what they ca ll the PLANETARY Nebulae. We find that these are different in shape from the Spiral Nebulae being shaped like huge bunches of globes, instead of spiral shaped.
We see that these globes whirl around a flaming center of dazzling brightness amid lesser clouds of star dust and these-Planetary Nebulae are smaller world systems and sun-systems in the mystic al process’ of creation.
Our mythical journey through measureless space is taking us through a wonderland of enthralling interest. We are beginning to realize something of this universal kingdom of Creative Power, from which, once we con¬sciously contact it, we can draw such creative forces of He alth, Happiness and Financial Wealth that their pos¬sibilities in your life and in my life are boundless.
After this sublime realization you will no longer be content with any sma ll, meaningless part in this tremen¬dous drama of the Universe because, remember the Universe is your world also.
So, it is the purpose of this lesson and of our-breath-taking trip into the surrounding universe to enable you to see yourself as an active man or woman of Power with every abi lity to play your part splendidly on the stage of an inside existence so endless and a destiny so rich in possibilities as to stagger the imagination. Yours is to live radiantly and gloriously , now that you walk in the light.
In our mental journey to the stars we learned that the creative force, the food and the life of the universe is LIGHT. Those stars that we see glowing brilliantly anywhere and everywhere are living power centers. The stars that emit rays.
Our earth receives all life from the sun—from the moon, mostly rays of decay. although either sun or the moon can both destroy and create. As we hurried past the sun—only ninety-three million little miles away— in our imaginary journey, we saw what maces it possible for our sun to forever send out its light and its life without draining itself. We saw that the endless activity of our sun is drawn from four great light-houses (power

stations); the astronomers have named these four celestial light-houses Alpha Centauri, Altair, Sirius, and Procyon. - and ANTARES.
They also inform us that twenty-two—her brilliant stars also send our sun their combined quota of light-energy, which altogether is only about one-fifth of the electro-magnetic energy which the sun draws from Sirius alone.
So, we see that the entire brotherhood of stars combine their radiant electro-magnetic energy borne on thy wings of Light, to keep the power currents of our sun streaming forth bundles of life and light.
Our founder made an amazing discovery when he found the Truth that the essential quality of this all-per¬vading LIGHT is its intelligence, its consciousness, and its impressibility. Times without, number this stagger¬ing discovery has been demonstrated in the lives’ of those who have learned how to use and how to control this hidden power of the Mystical Light, with its radio-like currents of electro magnetic-Power.
In other words, this unseen Power which we call Eternal Law or Universal God Mind, is intelligent and has that mental quality or that mental potency which expresses itself in the creation of happier worlds for you, when you consciously draw from this ocean of Power which everywhere surrounds you.
Just open the door of your mind to the receptive attitudes which we are teaching you in these wondrous Lessons.
Then, this very day, you will begin to realize for yourself that deep within your inner mind new chords are beginning to beat in harmony with the ceaseless symphony of Universal God Mind. Now, you are “tuned in” to (in harmony with) your Infinite Source of Supply.
You have unlocked that vast storehouse of treasure and conscious, receptive Faith is the key!
The door to this Sublime Kingdom-—your kingdom of Creative Power—is CONSCIOUSNESS, Only through mental awareness does this kingdom exist FOR YOU. But when, you attune your inner mental world consciously to harmony with Universal God-Mind, then you will begin to receive your true heritage of the bet-ter things of life and your share of the treasures of that vast storehouse, which is limited only by your own consciousness.
Remember, all that is -required of you is that you have that conscious expectancy, that faith to know that the power of Eternal Creative Law—God—is working day and night throughout the universe (your vast store-house) to transform all things into ABUNDANCE for You.
Here is another secret in the way that is eternal. You will find meditation in The Silence of the greatest help in your higher development. This simply means reflection without effort. Passive positive picturing.
First, you must be alone, and quiet. Any time will do. You must not be amid confusing or disturbing sur¬roundings. Your body must be relaxed. Then simply settle down to silent meditation. Meditate upon One Great

Desire. In this silent meditation you are drawing very close to the fountain of universal knowledge. Now it becomes simple and easy to work out the details of your. One Great Desire by just letting them come to you from this universal fountain.

When you tune in your inner mind you can triumph over all obstacles a.nd over all persons who would try to take this glorious heritage away from you.
In your every-day life, better things and encouraging events should come to you°within the next two weeks. The finer things of life are coming your way, hand in hand, right now!
Continue your usual concentration period at the same time of the clock as always.
We should also like you to enjoy the added benefits and the material blessings which will come to you through an additional period devoted to meditation in the silence—perhaps 15 to 20 minutes added to your concentration period. Try it—you’ll find it really works wonders!
And now—a goodbye for one week. Your next lesson, number eight, will_ lead you still farther upward upon she Pathway of Light. That great lesson will be to you indeed a revelation which will open your eyes to a won¬derland of Happiness and Abundance HERE AND NOW. We teach you how to stake the richest claim of your life in this boundless wonderland by taking just three simple Steps; (1) Physical Relaxation, (2) Mental Passivity, and (3) Focused Attention Upon your One Great Desire.

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