Monday, July 27, 2015

Lesson 4.2 in The Pathway To Personal Power

Remember, by correct imaging you can create what you want. Be careful what you _want=.—sooner= or later,—and-usually sooner, you’ll get it.
Sad to say, we live in a world peopled by failures. All around us are lives of frustration that seem hopeless. Beware of imaging these failures. Remember, the old rule in this country is “three generations from shirt-sleeves to shirt-sleeves” and the torrent of the political power of the “under-privileged” is sweeping us into even a shorter cycle from poverty to poverty.
During the past generation millions of people stood on the feet of some-one else - And they learned to like it. Relief, living on Dad, government pay-rolls or little routine jobs have been the ‘bane of that generation.
But as for you, avoid as you would a pestilence, all people who have stopped looking ahead. Never help them look back and sigh for the “good ole days.” Such people are only cheating the undertaker by staying alive from the neck down. They fear the future this sorry multitude.
In every European country the dumb, the lazy and the hopeless have made a sorry mess, and their failure to properly run their own little worlds have invited the strong, the shrewd and the ruthless to rule. Each of these countries has opened its mental doors to failure.
Remember, Paul warns us that “to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are.” Just as with nations, if you do not CHOOSE YOUR OWN OPEN ROAD some shrewd and cruel dictator will force you to travel his road—and you will find it a rough road and the going hard.
Again and again we tell you—and we cannot repeat this truth too often the conditions which make up your life today are the direct results of your own imaging which has created those conditions. If your life is happy and successful, then it is so because you have purposely IMAGED Happiness and Success. You are the prod­uct of the DESIRE which controls your imaging.
You are, then, your own master, whether for good or ill, for upon your own self depends the choice of the controlling DESIRE which through Your own imaging moulds for you a life of Health, Happiness and Success or an existence of sickness, misery and failure.
Perhaps you have looked with envy upon some seemingly more fortunate neighbor.- Perhaps he-has-wealth, comfort; -luxury,- lands, property, AND MONEY is plenty. Don’t envy him—avoid envy as you would a pest—Just follow the same unchanging LAW that your neighbor has, either consciously——or unconsciously followed. The ETERNAL LAW OF ABUNDANCE will work just as well for you as it did for him.
The riches of your neighbor were born of the creative power, that surged through his mind and then his activities to materialize his DESIRE-IMAGED wealth.’ This Creative Power, directed by his mind, built your neighbor’s present condition of Health, Happiness and Success until HIS MENTAL PICTURE—his constant imaging of the cherished desire became actual in his life and his environment. Your cherished desire - your idea-picture—becomes the controlling master of your life through IMAGING. Remember, though a toad masquerades as a bird, he is still a toad at heart. For at heart the toad has no cherished desire for wings and he prefers silence to the, beautiful song of the bird.

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