Friday, June 26, 2015

Lesson 2.4 in The Pathway to Personal Power

Said our Master Teacher, “And the Father Himself, which hath seen me, hath borne witness of me. YE HAVE NEITHER HEARD HIS VOICE at any time, NOR SEEN HIS SHAPE.” (John 5:37)
All Reality is Invisible. As you study these lessons day by day you will soon realize that this outer, material world about you is vibrant with unseen Life, pulsating with unseen Animation, glowing with unseen power. Soon you will come, to know that all life, all animation, and all Power comes from one Invisible source— GOD.
The Power of Healing and Abundant Health, to which you can attain through these teachings of the Academy, are both UNSEEN, but each is a very great and a very joyous REALITY.
Money is monarch over the multitude of men on earth today. Man sees that Money exchanges a hovel for a mansion. Money gilds a coat of arms upon the car of luxury. Money writes security into the baby’s smile. Money glorifies grandpa’s shirt sleeves. But the Reality, the Power of money is invisible.
Said the ancient Egyptians, “O MAN, Know thyself, for in thee is hidden the treasure of Treasures!” Within YOURSELF you have an invisible world to discover, to explore and to conquer. In that hidden realm WITH-IN YOU is the true treasury of your life. In that unseen treasury is all the Money, all the Healing, all the Peace, all the Happiness, all the love and all the Power that you will ever need.
Remember, the Creator of YOUR individual being made no mistakes. When God made you in His image, God,really meant YOU, NONE of that “treasure of treasures” within you can be acquired from the outer world. We repeat that HOW John tells us, “GOD IS SPIRIT,” so all the Health, all the Money, and all of the Happiness and all of the Power within your treasure house are subject to and governed by THAT GREAT CREATIVE SPIRITUAL LAW which the founder of the American Bible Institute first discovered for him-self in his own life.
“And God said, “let us make man in our image.” (Gen 1:26) God is SPIRIT. When God made you, he made you as His Image. You are of His Life, mind of his Creative Mind, spirit of His Spirit, substance of His sub-stance.. The real YOU must realize that “before Abraham was, I am.” Your body begins and it ends. But YOU did not begin with birth and YOU will not end with death’. The Bible tells us that “in the beginning was the word logos—Idea.” That IDEA involved the whole scheme of material creation. THAT IDEA INCLUDED YOU.
You are tremendously important. The REAL YOU was present and was one with-God when the-world was Thought Into Being and the Logos began to take material form. “Thou sawest my substance before I was formed in my mother’s womb” is an ancient way of telling us that even your material body was created from the realm of Spiritual Substance.
God is Infinite. There are no limitations in Being. THE REAL YOU images and reflects this Infinite quali­ty. True, your body and your mind find many limitations. Yet there are times of inspiration when your Spirit Within can rise above-all-obstacles and—can achieve your Heart’s Desire in the face of all your limitations. Faithfully study, understanding, and your implicit following to the letter of every direction, will enable you to master, to direct and to command this inspiration at will, even as the Galilean.

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